Your typical news outlet survives because of paying subscribers. We’re not typical. Next City’s values center marginalized communities, and we’ll never erect financial barriers to the knowledge necessary to make cities more equitable. Instead, a small number of our readers makes a monthly or annual donation and ensures free access for thousands of others who are also doing the work of liberating cities.
Right now Next City has just 568 sustaining members. To be sustainable, though, we must reach at least 880 sustaining members by October 1. Will you make a recurring gift today?
From now on, whenever you visit, we’ll remind you how often you rely on our journalists. Read three stories every month, then please decide whether to become a free or sustaining member. This isn’t a paywall like you’ll find at other news sites. It’s pay-what-you-wish — including nothing at all.
Our hope is that many more loyal readers will be prompted to set up a recurring donation. Regular support enables us to budget for original reporting, informative webinars, plus new ebooks, events, and more of everything that helps you with your job or activism to transform cities.
You can sign up and find all the details at
If you have any questions, please email us at We will be happy to help. Thanks for supporting Next City over the years. This slight change will have a big impact, enabling Next City to strengthen the footing for what we do and one day grow to reach more city-builders like you.
Lucas Grindley
Executive Director
Next City
P.S. If you made a donation in the past, or already have a recurring donation, you can login at