Next City Vanguard Conference

The Vanguard conference is a gathering of the top young urban innovators working to make change in cities. Designed to bring together professionals working across disciplines and sectors, each Vanguard class includes policymakers and politicians, architects and urban planners, artists and mediamakers, all selected through a competitive application process.

Vanguard Australia

Vanguard Australia took place in Newcastle, Australia, from November 6 through 10, 2017. See why we chose Newcastle for our next Vanguard conference. Applications closed on August 1. For Vanguard Australia, Next City will select 25 applicants from Australia and New Zealand, and 25 from the rest of the world through a competitive application process. The conference and accommodations are free. All participants must pay for their own travel. Learn about our partner, UrbanGrowth NSW.

Lead Sponsor

Host Committee


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