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Bottom Line Conversations: The Future of Financing Community Land Trust Acquisitions

Watch Next City’s Senior Economics Correspondent Oscar Perry Abello in the latest webinar series that goes beyond the issues of equitable economic development to talk to the people who do the work. 

March 16, 2022

Join Next City's Senior Economics Correspondent Oscar Perry Abello this month as he talks to Saki Bailey of the San Francisco Community Land Trust (SFCLT).

The SFCLT recently completed a $9.4 million acquisition of a building with 40 apartments using zero public subsidies in the middle of a notoriously competitive real estate market (which we covered here). We will talk with Bailey about her career as an attorney, policy advocate, and researcher on shared equity ownership models, currently culminating in her current role as SFCLT's executive director. We’ll also talk about what this acquisition means, and the work that remains to continue building a real estate system that doesn’t rely on generating profits for developers to work.

Next City’s series “The Bottom Line” explores scalable solutions for problems related to affordability, inclusive economic growth and access to capital. The series is made possible with support from Citi.



Oscar Perry Abello is Next City's senior economics correspondent. He previously served as Next City’s editor from 2018-2019, and was a Next City Equitable Cities Fellow from 2015-2016. Since 2011, Oscar has covered community development finance, community banking, impact investing, economic development, housing and more for media outlets such as Shelterforce, B Magazine, Impact Alpha, and Fast Company. Follow him on Twitter: @oscarthinks.



Saki Bailey, the Executive Director of San Francisco Community Land Trust (SFCLT), has a decade of experience in nonprofit management and program development roles; a decade of experience in facilitation, teaching and training roles both in the academic and non-profit sectors with a focus on the legal regulation around Community Land Trusts, Co-op formation, and incorporation. Saki is a published author on property law, community land trusts, and the commons with three books and multiple articles published by both academic and non-academic publishers and journals translated into multiple languages. Saki is an educator and trainer on community land trusts, coops, and other shared equity ownership models based on her six-plus years of research on the topic and serves currently on the board of the California Community Land Trust Network and its policy committee in advancing legislation for Community Land Trusts and Limited Equity Housing Cooperatives.

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